Indiana Jones Punches/Raging Bull
The SoundKeeper is a website/blog owned by the award winning Sound Designer Jeremy Rogers. The guy has worked on Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero 3, Call of Duty, just to name a few. He knows some stuff. In this section of the website, he writes about recreating the sound of the punches in Indiana Jones. I remember back in college this was one of the first sound we had to recreate and it was great. Again, it's a way to understand how layering, reverbering (is that a word?), distorting, pitching and everything you can possibly do to make noise more noisy :)
And about punches, if you haven't yet, watch Raging Bull, by Martin Scorsese. Apart from being a masterpiece, there are a lot of punches in there. Brilliant stuff! A video and a link to the website.